A pleasent surprise receiving this action base 1 - ZEON Ver together with the EFSF Ver therefore decided to do a quick review for both ;)
Manufacturer: Unknown at time of blog...
Scale: 1/100 (Suitable for MG and HG)
Price: RM30 for a pair of EFSF and ZEON (Contact me @ duelmasterng@yahoo.com for availability)
Section 1: Runners
Detailing are very good! I would say it is up to 99% as good compare to the original. The plastics is a little rougher than the EFSF version so a little trimming might be needed...

Section 2: Assembly
Basically, this is similar to the normal Action Base 1, only with a special ZEON logo as base and the main "shaft" is shorter than the normal one ;)

Section 3: Completion
Pretty nice finishing ;)

Section 4: Posing ;)
ZEON ver, so logically a Zaku would make the perfect sence... Instead of Char's Zaku, I use the Black Tri-Stars instead ;)

Quick Review
Plastic Quality and Detailing
The plastic is a little rougher than the EFSF Ver. The detailing are very nicely done and it comes close to 99% of the original.
Looks and Feels
Looks, exactly like original :P Feels, a little softer than the original but I like the feeling ;)
Contraty to my usual "do buy original if you can afford it", I would say do buy this bootleg if you can find it!
Till next time...

Fin :)
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